AIRIA develops airports emission studies of both atmospheric pollutants regulated by law and greenhouse gases. For this purpose we use the following software:


  • EDMS model (“Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System”), developed by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the US Air Force (USA).
  • AEDT model (“Aviation Environmental Design Tool”) that dynamically models, in both space and time, aircraft fuel consumption, emissions and noise. It takes into consideration the interdependency relationship between these three factors.

Main References:

  • Strategies for air pollution control in new Madrid southwest airport during design, construction and operation. emissions’ inventory and polutants’ concentration maps. (Spain)
  • Experimental study of nox depolluting capabilities of a photocatalytic coating tested under suburban ambient conditions.
  • Estimation of nox deposition velocities for selected comercial photocatalytic products.