Energy and climate change

Energy is key for companies’ development, and it also may become either a hindering factor or a business opportunity. Closely related to energy are greenhouse gases (GHG)


AIRIA provides services focused on reducing companies’ energy costs and consumption, introducing efficient, safe and clean energy sources, calculate their carbon footprint and set a commitment towards its reduction.


  • Energy Efficiency Master Plans.
  • Energy Audits.
  • Introduction of energy saving measures.
  • Energy saving measures compliance with IPMVP international protocol.
  • Legal requirements compliance and energy management according to ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 regulations.
  • Carbon footprint: ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol calculation; Reduction and absorption projects.

Main References:

  • Aena energy saving and efficiency master plan 2011 – 2016 (Spain)
  • Energy management system set up and audit. Zaragoza airport (Spain)
  • Carbon footprint calculation for Madrid airport and obtention of the “AIRPORT CARBON ACCREDITATION”. (Spain)